AGiRepair completes hundreds of thousands repairs every year for school districts and repair retailers nationwide. With our repair volume, we’ve repaired nearly every type of mobile device imaginable (even Roombas) and in every condition imaginable. We’ve seen devices in their absolute worst condition and have still been able to restore their functionality.

What repairs do we see most frequently? And what are the most interesting repair stories we have? Today, we’ll discuss just that.


The Most Common Repairs

We’ve narrowed our most common repairs to five:


iPad Digitizer

The digitizer controls the touch screen functionality, converting analog, or touch, signals into digital signals your device can understand. Damage to the digitizer can occur frequently as devices are passed around and heavy, less agile hands operate devices. A great way to protect the digitizer is to case your device and teach users how to gently handle devices.



A device’s liquid crystal display (LCD) is another common repair. Damage to LCDs is typically physical which can occur from drops, mishandling, or improper care. If using a MacBook or Chromebook, damage to the LCD can occur when the device is closed. Oils from the keypad can transfer to the LCD, which can cause breakdown over time, and sometimes cause delamination in certain MacBook Pro models. Protect your LCD by casing your device and regularly cleaning your device.



A high-failure item, lithium-ion battery repairs and replacements are extremely common. Damage to a battery can occur in various ways. Ironically, the biggest culprit can be keeping your battery at full capacity constantly. A lithium-ion battery is most stable between 20-80%. Outside of this range, the battery’s usage can change to protect the battery from damage. Since battery life is measured in cycles, protect your battery by maintaining a 20-80% charge.


Top Cases, Trackpads, and Palm Rests

Damage to top cases or palm rests results from mishandling and drops. Damage to trackpads results from mechanical failure, spills, or an open device drop. Protect your top case or palm rest by protecting your device with a ruggedized case. The best way to protect your trackpad is to teach users how to handle devices and keep beverages away from your device.


Various Ports

Headphone jacks and charging ports incur damage easily when adapters are not properly removed. This can happen when adapters are jerked from something or someone running into the cable. Adapters should be removed by pulling straight out of the port (and not at an angle). Proper removal and taking care to keep cables and cords free from high-traffic areas can protect your ports.


The Most Unusual Repairs

At AGiRepair, we’ve pretty much seen it all when it comes device repair. Check out these extraordinary circumstances in which we have successfully repaired devices.


Raindrops Aren’t Falling on My MacBook

To shield their device from the rain, a student placed his MacBook under his car. Unfortunately, he forgot about it and ran it over. All was not lost though! In a parts-exhaustive repair, we were able to restore the MacBook to full functionality. Necessary repairs and replacements included: display, top and bottom case, and the keyboard.


Before Exiting Your Chair, Make Sure You Have Your iPad

When an iPad has an unfortunate incident with furniture, it has serious body damage and does not function. That’s what happened when an iPad slipped into a crease of a recliner chair and the chair was then closed. We were able to repair the body damage, replace the battery, glass, and LCD, and return the unit back to the customer in functional shape. To our customer, we’re now known as repair magicians.


Keep Your Devices Out of the Bathroom

We’re still wondering about this one. A student took their Chromebook into the school bathroom—do we need to say more? It ended up in the toilet. We have no idea how, nor why any student would need to take their device into the bathroom. Either way, we replaced the motherboard, LCD, and palm rest, restoring the Chromebook’s functionality.


We can be your device repair magicians! AGiRepair is a leader in mobile device repair, offering comprehensive solutions for school districts, repair depots, and other organizations. For more information, contact us today!